The importance of visiting the dentist in Loughton

As adults, we all know that teeth need to be taken care of, as once we lose them, they cannot be replaced by allowing them to grow back. The need to keep our teeth clean is something we are all aware of, for this reason, we all grow up knowing we must brush and floss our teeth every day if we want to enjoy good oral health and hygiene.


We recognise this so strongly that we pass this idea down to our children, in the hope they will grow up and have strong, healthy teeth and gums. We also hope that as we have taught them, they will teach their own children the importance of good oral hygiene too.

We also all recognise the need to visit the dentist in Loughton to attend regular check-ups and receive any treatment we may require. However many of us choose to ignore the recommendations of the dentist and put our check-ups off by a month or two, believing everything will be alright. But parents continue to tell their children to clean their teeth twice a day and go for their regular check-ups, is it not time for adults to heed our own advice?

Making a professional ally in the fight for good oral health

The staff at our dentist in Loughton know how they want to be regarded by their patients in the area, they want to be seen as reliable allies in the front line battle for good oral health and hygiene. Our team of professionally trained staff are all patient-focussed and we know that patients’ oral health and hygiene is important to them, making it important to our team.

We encourage all our patients to attend our practice frequently for their oral check-ups, as this will allow our team to examine their teeth, gums, and mouth, allowing us to monitor their oral hygiene progress and provide early intervention treatment if required to prevent serious issues developing.

One other key reason patients should stick to regular check-ups is the fact they provide the perfect time for a conversation about any concerns between the patient and dental professional, this can be helpful when used to inform the development of a treatment plan and allows our dentist to hand out helpful advice. If they feel the need to refer you to other professionals, then the check-up time is the correct place to have a conversation around their roles in your treatment.

Remember – prevention is always better than the cure

The main reason for keeping to your regular check-ups is that it will help to prevent the occurrence of issues developing, as we can provide early intervention treatment and advice you may require. This will help to stave off the need for any invasive dental treatment and  help you to maintain high standards within your oral hygiene and health.

Make your check-up appointment and keep to it

The longest check-up time at our dentist in Loughton is thirty minutes. Surely this is time well spent, as it helps to maintain your oral health and hygiene. Look at it another way, if you need two check-ups a year that is one hour a year to maintain your teeth versus losing them completely for the rest of your life.

We are a family-friendly, sympathetic dental practice in Loughton, Essex, with a team dedicated to offering the very best oral health care.