All you want for Christmas is healthy teeth

The season of goodwill is nearly here but how good will it be for your teeth? As the party season starts, it is more likely that people will indulge in sweet treats, fizzy drinks and the odd alcoholic drink or two. All of these things may get you into the festive spirit but it can be a rough time for your teeth unless you adhere to a diligent dental routine.

oral-cancer-screening-in-loughtonThis is a particularly good time to think about the new habits you will develop when Christmas is over. Starting with a visit to your dentist to get good advice, you might choose to introduce a new part to your dental routine. Maybe you want to start flossing or perhaps make a note to change your toothbrush as regularly as is advised by your dentist.

If you have braces, dentures or any other dental fixtures then remember that you need to take extra care. At Forest Dental, you can get special advice on food choices over Christmas from your dentist. Just remember that even if you have been dancing until dawn, you still need to ensure you follow the cleaning routine for your particular dental fixtures.

Make oral cancer screening a New Year’s Resolution

Taking care of yourself can sometimes mean preventive measures as well as responding to damage that has already taken place. You are already familiar with regular check-ups at the dentist for your teeth but did you know you can also get oral cancer screening at Forest Dental? We check for unusual lumps and bumps, investigate any pain you are having and can monitor you with yearly check-ups to make sure that you are in a continued state of good health. There is currently no national screening program for oral cancer so it is up to you to make sure you are keeping an eye on yourself.

We want you to keep raising a glass and wassailing well into the future with a full set of teeth to go with you. Visiting the dentist over the festive season need not be a chore if you choose a practice like Forest Dental. We are happy, welcoming and professional and we can meet your needs with swift expertise, sending you back out into the yuletide world with a smile on your face.