Is vanity such a bad thing?

Throughout history people have been very concerned with how they look. For thousands of years, we have been dreaming up ways to improve our skin, hair, faces, and our smiles. Now it seems that we are at one of those peaks in all sorts of technologies to improve looks, and that includes an explosion in the numbers of people getting their teeth straightened, and the number of ways in which it can be done.

Orthodontics in LoughtonAlthough not many people in our modern times have naturally straight teeth, they are meant to be straight, and when they are, our teeth are much healthier. They are less prone to decay and gum disease because there are fewer nooks and crannies for bacterial plaque to hide away in. This means that with straight teeth, we have more of a chance of hanging on to our natural chewing equipment until far into old age, maybe even until we die.

Good looks and good health

So, wanting straight teeth is not just about wanting to look good, it is also about optimum oral health. Along with that comes better emotional health because straighter teeth mean less self-consciousness about smiling. When we smile spontaneously, we release the natural feel-good chemical serotonin, and then we feel happier, smile more, and our path through life can become smoother.

That’s why at Forest Dental in Loughton, we see orthodontics, the branch of dentistry concerned with aligning the teeth and jaws, as a vital part of our work.

Many of our adult patients have issues only with the front six social teeth. These are the teeth that are on display when we talk and smile. If they are wonky, they can stop us being as expressive as we’d like. However, adults don’t necessarily want to go through orthodontic treatment with braces that dominate the mouth. This is where braces from CFast come in. It’s called CFast labial.

CFast labial can produce result in as little as eight weeks, with an average time of five months. It uses discreet clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires to do the job. This is a great system for simple corrections to the front six social teeth and gives more predictable results than clear aligner systems.